How do I get my business noticed online? How can I create an engaged social media audience? How do I convert website visitors and social media followers into customers? What hashtags should I be using? Are Google ads a good investment?
I'm Sydney Chakalos, a marketing nerd and small business owner with a passion for helping other small business owners grow their business using effective online marketing strategies on any budget.
Learn how to create and implement a marketing strategy that strengthens relationships with your audience and increases your bottom line. We'll cover topics around social media, email, Google ads, branding, and websites. Building your brand is a marathon and I'm here to help you win the race.
Have you ever wondered how to beat the Instagram algorithm? To be completely real with you, I used to wonder the same thing, but the truth is it can’t be done. To see growth and results from marketing on Instagram it requires consistency mixed with a little strategy. This post is going to break it […]
Getting your business noticed on social media can be difficult and often it feels like you’re a small fish in a big pond, especially as a local business. Over the past few years, the algorithm has impacted businesses and their exposure in a big way as organic reach of content continues to decline. While a […]
If content creation feels like a daunting task to you, I’m willing to bet it’s because you’re not getting mileage with your content. What do I mean by getting mileage with your content? I mean taking a single piece of content and getting it seen in as many places as possible. You may be […]