How do I get my business noticed online? How can I create an engaged social media audience? How do I convert website visitors and social media followers into customers? What hashtags should I be using? Are Google ads a good investment?

I'm Sydney Chakalos, a marketing nerd and small business owner with a passion for helping other small business owners grow their business using effective online marketing strategies on any budget.

Learn how to create and implement a marketing strategy that strengthens relationships with your audience and increases your bottom line. We'll cover topics around social media, email, Google ads, branding, and websites. Building your brand is a marathon and I'm here to help you win the race.


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Marketing Your Local Business Online Podcast

Social Media



Content Marketing, Marketing

Ep. 24: Save Time Creating Content With These Tips

Have you ever spent an hour on a single Instagram post? I know I have. Content creation can be time consuming! I want to help you save some time with these tips that I’ve used over the years. We’ll be going over three tips to drastically reduce the time you spend creating content.

Tip #1: Fully utilize each piece of content you create

This tip is especially applicable when it comes to larger pieces of content, like a blog post, a video or a podcast episode. You can find content to post on social media by breaking down large content into smaller elements. For example, if you create a blog post sharing three tips, you can use each tip as its’own social media post.

If you want to save even more time breaking down a video, I highly recommend using a transcription software. My favorite is!

Tip #2: Use a content calendar 

If you’re a regular here, you’re probably not surprised that I’m suggesting you use a content calendar. But it’s not just to keep you organized! You can use your content calendar to repurpose your previous content. Look back on your top performing posts, make a few minor edits and maybe swap out the image, and you’ve got a brand new piece of content! Repurposing content will also help instill your message with your audience, which is the ultimate goal. 

Tip #3: Share each piece of content everywhere you can 

Make sure you are getting each piece of content you create posted on every social media platform– this includes email! Especially for posts that perform really well, don’t limit yourself to just Instagram or Facebook. If you have a popular post, adapt it to fit an email that you can send out to your list.

I hope these tips help save you a little bit of time when it comes to content creation– I know they have for me! 

Thank you so much for joining me this week. If you have been finding my podcast helpful, please take a minute to leave a 5-star review on the listening platform of your choice, and share it with a fellow small business owner! Until next time, keep running your race.

meet sydney

Strategist. coach. educator.

get to know me

Hi friends! My name is Sydney, founder of Marathon Marketing & Branding, and I’m so happy you’re here! As you might have guessed, I am an avid runner, which allows me to have more of that pinot and pasta in life. Running long-distance is all about training, endurance, and consistency. I realized that these same traits are directly applicable to social media marketing as well.