How do I get my business noticed online? How can I create an engaged social media audience? How do I convert website visitors and social media followers into customers? What hashtags should I be using? Are Google ads a good investment?
I'm Sydney Chakalos, a marketing nerd and small business owner with a passion for helping other small business owners grow their business using effective online marketing strategies on any budget.
Learn how to create and implement a marketing strategy that strengthens relationships with your audience and increases your bottom line. We'll cover topics around social media, email, Google ads, branding, and websites. Building your brand is a marathon and I'm here to help you win the race.
I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but…. Welcome to the first podcast episode of 2023! Today, we are going to discuss how to hit the ground running with a strong marketing strategy to make the new year a success.
Before we talk about strategy, let’s make an important distinction between marketing strategy and marketing tactics. Put simply, a marketing strategy is your game plan for reaching people and converting them into customers, so you can achieve your business goals. Marketing tactics are the activities that you use to execute your strategy. In other words, TikTok videos or Instagram Reels or radio ads are not your marketing strategy, they are your marketing tactics.
Building Your Marketing Strategy
Take a Pulse Check
Before you start trying to nail down your marketing strategy for 2023, take the time to evaluate how your strategy from last year performed. Take a deep dive into your marketing analytics, and ask yourself the following questions:
Once you’ve done this, it’s time to establish your goals. I recommend making one or two overarching goals (such as “increase marketing revenue by 20%) along with a few supporting marketing specific goals (such as “grow email list by 300 subscribers).
Do Your Research
Even if you have done market research before, it’s a good idea to repeat the process every so often to make sure you are keeping up with our ever evolving world. Start by having conversations with at least ten people that represent your target customer demographic. Ask them questions that will help you understand their day-to-day lives, what might influence their decision to do business with you, etc. This is not an opportunity to pitch your business, rather listen and learn as much as you can about your target audience. From these conversations, you can generate 3-5 customer personas, which are something you can reference at any time for inspiration or check in and ask yourself if your marketing is still aligned with what they need.
Craft Your Positioning Statement
Your positioning statement is something to help your customers understand more about your business and should answer the following questions:
Write and Disseminate Your Core Messaging
Once you’ve done thorough research, have your customer personas and positioning statement, write your core messages that you want to communicate in your marketing. This is the one cohesive message that should be communicated across all of your social media platforms, website, and promotional materials.
Choose which marketing tactics you are going to use to disseminate your messaging. Keep your target demographic in mind here – what social media platforms are they using the most and therefore most likely to see your messaging on?
Establish Metrics
Make sure you are able to measure your success by establishing which metrics you are going to track throughout the year (i.e. impressions, click-through rates, email list growth, etc.) You can use these metrics to get an idea of what works best for you and your business, and make changes based on this data.
Even though it may seem overwhelming at first, establishing a marketing strategy is the best thing you can do for you and your business in 2023. Use this episode as an outline for doing so, and until next time, keep running your race.
About the Author
Sydney Chakalos is the owner of Marathon Marketing & Branding, LLC, a marketing agency dedicated to helping local businesses stand out online and grow, and host of the Marketing Your Local Business Online podcast. Sydney helps you get to the root of what makes your audience convert to customers through design thinking methods. If this article got you thinking that it’s time to get your marketing organized, download this free guide, “Create Your Online Marketing System in One Day.”
Hi friends! My name is Sydney, founder of Marathon Marketing & Branding, and I’m so happy you’re here! As you might have guessed, I am an avid runner, which allows me to have more of that pinot and pasta in life. Running long-distance is all about training, endurance, and consistency. I realized that these same traits are directly applicable to social media marketing as well.