How do I get my business noticed online? How can I create an engaged social media audience? How do I convert website visitors and social media followers into customers? What hashtags should I be using? Are Google ads a good investment?
I'm Sydney Chakalos, a marketing nerd and small business owner with a passion for helping other small business owners grow their business using effective online marketing strategies on any budget.
Learn how to create and implement a marketing strategy that strengthens relationships with your audience and increases your bottom line. We'll cover topics around social media, email, Google ads, branding, and websites. Building your brand is a marathon and I'm here to help you win the race.
If content creation feels like a daunting task to you, I’m willing to bet it’s because you’re not getting mileage with your content. What do I mean by getting mileage with your content? I mean taking a single piece of content and getting it seen in as many places as possible.
You may be afraid of sounding repetitive, however, trust me when I say that your audience needs to hear your message more than once for it to stick. In fact, studies have shown your audience needs to hear it 7 times on average for it to stick. That’s why I strongly encourage you to repurpose your content. Repurposing your content means taking that one piece of content you create and using it multiple ways and in multiple places.
Here are five ways to repurpose a single piece of content that will save you time AND allow your audience to better remember your message. Here we go!
#1 Reuse It on Other Social Platforms
If you create a post for your Facebook business page, share it to your Facebook group, Instagram account, Twitter account, LinkedIn account, Pinterest account…you get the point. Spread that message across platforms. A best practice for doing this is to slightly edit the content based on the platform that you’re using. For example, for Instagram the call-to-action may be to point people to the link in your bio instead of sharing a link in the post and to add Hashtags. On Twitter, you may shorten the content. On Pinterest, you may create a pretty graphic with the content of your post. Then you won’t have to create a new piece of content for every platform. Breathe a sign of relief!
#2 Turn that Post into an Email
If you create a post packed full of value, take that same text and drop it into an email with a little bit of introductory text. You’re not only being consistent on social media, but now you’re also being consistent with emailing your list. Win-win!
#3 Create a Blog Post
If you have a blog, reshare your social media post in a blog post. Again, not everyone who follows you on social media reads your blog and vice versa. Plus, your blog post can live a lot longer with strong SEO compared to a social media post that’s not shown to new people after a few days.
#4 Create a Short Video
This one scares people when I say it, but hear me out. People retain 95% of what they watch in a video versus 10% of what they read in text (Source: Pop Video). Mindblowing, right? So create an IGTV video or Reel, do a Facebook live, or create a YouTube video. If you want your audience to retain what you’re saying more quickly, video is a sure way to do it.
#5 Use Content from Your Post on Your Instagram Story
My people know that I love me some Instagram stories! Stories are a fantastic tool for getting super visible with your audience on Instagram. Many people are now logging in to the app and watching stories before even scrolling on their feed. You can create bullet points from your post and drop them in an Instagram story template or simply just record yourself talking about the topic with your audience (pro tip: include brief text with the video since many people watch with their sound off).
See, you don’t need to create a ton of content each week! Repurposing content has been a huge time saver for me and my audience is also retaining what I’m teaching faster than ever. For more tips like these, head over to my free Facebook community!
Hi friends! My name is Sydney, founder of Marathon Marketing & Branding, and I’m so happy you’re here! As you might have guessed, I am an avid runner, which allows me to have more of that pinot and pasta in life. Running long-distance is all about training, endurance, and consistency. I realized that these same traits are directly applicable to social media marketing as well.